Centre Upgrade Proposal

Proposed Redevelopment & Expansion

Planning is underway for the expansion and modernisation of the Sherwood Central retail centre on Sherwood Road.

The current centre is over (20) years old, with new plans to expand the current retail and dining offer at the centre, including doubling the size of the Woolworths supermarket. The older office building is approximately 40 years old.

The refresh of Sherwood Central will provide more local retail choice for Sherwood residents, along with more local employment and business opportunities.

This part of Sherwood is currently under-serviced for groceries in particular, with increasing demand for a full line supermarket offer and other specialty retail.

Key Changes & Improvements Include:

Key Changes & Improvements Include:

New Woolworths Full-line Supermarket Confirmed within Plans

Woolworths is committed to remaining at Sherwood Central and is planning to deliver a modern, full-line supermarket across an expanded area.

This will include an expanded Woolworths fresh food offer along with extended grocery variety. A significant upgrade to the shopping experience includes a direct-to-boot collection service for groceries ordered online.

Ownership, Planning & Delivery


The centre is owned and managed by Morgan & Griffin who are a private family-run business with a long-term investment commitment to both Sherwood and South East Queensland.  

Morgan & Griffin have owned the centre for over 20 years and through this project are seeking to upgrade the centre for decades to come. 


The project is currently at the preliminary planning phase and a Development Application is being prepared. We are currently engaging with the local community and stakeholders to receive and consider input before we complete our Development Application.

See below the planning phases.
We are currently at the stakeholder engagement phase.


Access to the centre is proposed to continue to be via Primrose Street. Closure of the Thallon Street driveway access is also proposed.

Expanded Project Footprint

The full project area is illustrated on the map below, marked by the orange lines.

The project site will expand from the current footprint to include the property at 12 Thallon Street, also owned by Morgan & Griffin, as marked in green on the above map.

This site is currently a temporary demountable extension to Guardian Childcare, under a short-term lease. The childcare primarily operates next door from 12 Thallon Street, at 16 Thallon Street.

We have consulted the childcare operators and they understand the leased site is planned for inclusion within the new retail Centre.


Subject to approvals, redevelopment may commence in 2024 or 2025. Construction will be staged to allow the centre to keep trading during construction.

This is to allow our tenants to maintain their businesses and for the centre to keep providing a retail offer for the local community.

Cranes illustration

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Current Centre and Proposed Upgrade Imagery